Belize Facts

Land Area: 8,867 sq. mi. (similar in size to New Hampshire)
Population: 333,200 people (less than any US state)

Capital City: Belmopan
Largest City: Belize City

Time Zone: Central (no daylight saving time)
Electricity: 110 volt (same as US)
Currency: Belize dollar (tied to US currency: $1 USD = $2 BZD)
              (click here for What Things Cost in Belize)

Official Language: English (only country in Central America)
Ethnicity: Mestizo 49%, Creole 25%, Maya 11%, Garifuna 6%, other 9%
Religion: 50% Roman Catholic

Mayan Ruins: Approximately 900 ruins throughout Belize
Islands: Approximately 200 cayes offshore
Reef: 450 mi. long, 0.5 mi. from shore - 2nd longest reef in the world